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The Bible Studies


Download the LIFE on the EDGE: The Radio Bible Study guides to each episode and listen to the individual studies by clicking on the links below.

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1. The Word of God

Jesus wants to show you that His Word is reliable. He gives us enough evidence to base our faith on.  The intent of this study is to show that the Bible is trustworthy. 

1. Word of God Pt 1
1.Word of God Pt 2
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2. Signs of the Times

Jesus desires us to understand what is going on in the world and not be surprised when things get worse. The intent of this study is to show that the end is near.

2. Signs of the Times
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3. The  Great Controversy

God is a God of justice who desires the service of genuine love and genuine loyalty. We an win the battle with evil through His Son Jesus Christ. The intent of this study is to show that there is a cosmic conflict between God and Satan. 

3. Great Controversy Pt 1
3. Great Controversy Pt 2
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4. Salvation 


God is a God of love, grace and mercy who longs to save us. The intent of this study is to show the plan that God designed to rescue man from the penalty of sin. 

4. Salvation
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5. Antichrist Part 1


Jesus does not want us to be deceived by the antichrist, so the Bible tells us what to be looking for.  The intent of this study is to show that Satan works to deceive the whole world by having a counterfeit for every truth that God has. The only way to distinguish the genuine from the fake is to know the truth intimately.

5. Antichrist Pt 1
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6. Antichrist Part 2


We are all going to make a decision to either follow Jesus Christ or the antichrist. This study identifies without a doubt who the antichrist is and what he is doing. The intent of this study is to identify the antichrist.

6. Antichrist Pt 2 Pt 1
6. Antichrist Pt 2 Pt 2
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7. Law of God


If we do away with God's Law, we have done away with sin. If there is no sin, we do not need grace to overcome sin. If we do not need grace, then we do not need the Author of grace, Jesus Christ. By doing away with the Law, we do away with Jesus.  The intent of this study is to show that God's Law is still valid today and that keeping God's Law is an expression of our love for Him.

7. Law of God Pt 1
7. Law of God Pt 2
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8. The Sabbath


We find our rest in Jesus Christ who created the Sabbath for us to spend time with Him. The intent of this study is to show that God gave us the Sabbath and that the antichrist has a counterfeit.

8. The Sabbath
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9. The Second Coming



Jesus promised to return to take us home with Him. Are you ready for Him to come and get you? The intent of this study is to show that Jesus' Second Coming is literal, visible and audible. He promised to return and He will fulfill that promise.

9. Second Coming Pt 1
9. Second Coming Pt 2
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10. Millennium



Christ allows His followers the opportunity to review the decisions that He and the Father have made. He allows us to see that He is fair and just in all of His ways. The intent of this study is to show that the millennium begins at the second coming of Jesus Christ. It is a period of judicial review that culminates in the eternal destruction of the wicked. 

10. Millennium
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11. Destruction of the Wicked



 Jesus loves the wicked, but He hates sin. The intent of this study is to show that the purpose of hell is to destroy sin forever.

11. Destruction Pt 1
11. Destruction Pt 2
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12. State of the Dead



 "He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life"

I John 5:12. The intent of this study is to show that man does not possess immortality, only God does.

12. State of the Dead
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13. Judgment 1: Sanctuary



Jesus is the earthly sanctuary in verity. The purpose of this study is to show that the earthly sanctuary is a revelation of Christ and His work in the Heavenly Sanctuary.

13. Judgment 1
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14. Daniel 9

It is all focused on Christ. The intent of this study is to show that Jesus of Nazareth is the promised Messiah.

14. Daniel 9 Pt 1
14. Daniel 9 Pt 2
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15. Judgment II:

1844 AD

Jesus is fair, therefore he judges us before He gives us our reward. The intent of this study is to show that the end time, pre-advent judgment commenced in 1844 AD when Jesus Christ entered into the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary.

15. Judgment 2 Pt 1
15. Judgment 2 Pt 2
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Baptism is a representation of the death that Jesus died for us that we may have eternal life. The intent of this study is to show that baptism by immersion is the public declaration of faith in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

16. Baptism



16. Baptism
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17. Mark of the Beast


Jesus is Lord and we show our love through obedience. The intent of this study is to show that the antichrist power wants worship so desperately that he will force it. God desires worship from the heart, not from coercion.

17. Mark of the Beast
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Jesus has always given us His truth through prophets. The intent of this study is to show that the Gift of Prophecy has been given to God's people through all ages.

18. Spirit of Prophecy




18. Spirit of Prophecy Pt 1
18. Spirit of Prophecy Pt 2
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19. Remnant Church

Jesus wants us all to be one. The intent of this study is to show that Christ's Word is leading all of His sheep into one fold.

19. Remnant Church Pt 1
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20. Stewardship


Jesus Christ gave all and wants us to be closer to Him through our willingness to be faithful with what He has given. The intent of this study is to show that everything belongs to God and as stewards we are responsible to Him.

20. Stewardship
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21. Prayer


Jesus wants to hear and answer our prayers. He shows us in His Word that there are conditions upon which we can know that our prayers are heard. The intent of this study is to show that prayer is powerful, effectual, and necessary for the disciple of Christ. 

21. Prayer
19. Remnant Church Pt 2
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22. Health


Jesus Christ came so that we may have life and life more abundantly. The intent of this study is to show that our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. As our Creator, Redeemer and Father, God is intimately concerned with the health of the whole person-- body, mind and spirit.


22. Health Pt 1
22. Health Pt 2
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23. Witnessing


"Jesus has come to seek and save the lost and He has given us that same mission" Luke 19:10. The intent of this study is to show that every true disciple of Christ is born into the Kingdom of God as a missionary.

23. Witnessing
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